C.T. Scan
1. All routine CT procedures, whole body CT scan
2. CT guided procedures, CT Pelvimetry
3. CT IVU (urography)
4. CT neuro-perfusion for stroke imaging etc.
5. CT Myelogram
6. CT Coronary Angiography
7. CT Pulmonary Angiography
Digital X-RAY
We provide Xray services to all types of patients especially major trauma, accident, surgical and medical cases. The Department is a purpose built modern facility consisting of a Digital mobile Xray unit and Xray. We offer all specialized Xray procedures including:
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
Xray Urogram (IVU/IVP, MCU, RCU)
Barium Studies etc
Mammography Services
We carry out both routine and diagnostic mammography using the advanced Allengers Venus Digital Technology.
Colour Doppler And Ultrasound Services.
Our Utrasound unit is a Logiq P5 Ultrasound system by GE which provides high end 3D/4D imaging capability . The GE LOGIQ P5 is an ergonomic, highly mobile and easy to use high performance multipurpose imaging system